
Payment Methods

You can pay for your order using the following payment methods:


We don’t accept other payment methods, however PayPal offers the possibility to link most major credit cards, which gives you the option to pay with them on our website.

Payment Security

Transactions on our website are carefully secured with the use of third-party payment providers. All processes according to the ISAE 3402 principle and criteria and are certified according to the PCI DSS 3.2 Level 1 Service Provider. This assessment is an internationally recognized safety standard.

Order Verification

All payment methods are secured and validated. For the protection of our customers, some orders might be subject to payment verification. If your order is placed on hold, we will contact you right away to minimize any delay of your order.

Shipping, Return & Refund

For all shipping-related questions please check this pageFor all return and refund-related questions please check this page.