Best time to write gratitude journal diary

Gratitude is a good medicine for better sleep, research shows. The best time to journal in your gratitude diary is at night before going to bed.
Research found that writing a gratitude list before bed helped participants sleep better and longer. Similarly, researchers at the University of Manchester found that practicing gratitude in the evening is linked to falling asleep faster, better quality sleep, and sleeping soundly for longer periods of time.”

Create a ritual every evening to journal your way to happiness. Another benefit of writing in the evening is that you can reflect on your day and focus on the positive no matter what happened.

The best time to write in your gratitude journal is before bedtime: think about 5 special moments about your day that happened over the past 24 hours. Get specific about why you feel grateful for these things.

Writing in your gratitude journal before going to sleep will positively affect your subconscious mind and rewire your brain, studies show. We recommend you develop the habit of writing a gratitude list in your Gratitude List journal and make it a feel-good ritual you look forward to; add music, light up a candle, and relax.

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